Blog from NMQ Digital

How Breaking the Silos Plays a Crucial Role in Organizational Success

Written by Gulcan Kurtul | Mar 8, 2023 8:00:00 AM

What is an Organizational Silo? 

An organizational silo is a metaphorical term that refers to a situation where different departments, teams, or individuals within an organization work independently of each other and do not communicate or collaborate effectively with each other. Silos can create barriers to effective communication and collaboration, as people in one department may not have visibility into the work or goals of other departments, which can lead to duplication of efforts, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities. This can also lead to a lack of alignment around organizational objectives, as different parts of the organization may be working towards different goals or priorities. Silos can be a significant challenge for organizations to overcome, and strategies such as cross-functional teams, shared goals, and clear communication can help break down silos and improve collaboration. 


Why do Organizational Silos occur? 

As with all problems, let us start with the "why". There are several reasons why organizational silos can develop within an organization, including: 

  • Departmentalization: Organizational structures that are highly departmentalized can lead to silos, as departments become isolated from each other and focused on their own goals and objectives. For example, sales, marketing, and operations teams might pursue their own goals rather than focusing on the main Business KPIs. 

  • Communication breakdowns: When communication channels between different departments or individuals within the organization are not clear, effective, or efficient, it can lead to misaligned objectives. For example, if top management fails to communicate sufficient information regarding business objectives, vision, and mission, or low-level management neglects to flag organizational issues to top management, there is a high likelihood of diverse interpretations or perspectives about the organization, which will yield to miscommunications or misunderstandings between different people or teams.  

  • Lack of defined roles and responsibilities: Unclear roles and responsibilities or insufficient communication regarding job functions can also cause a breakdown in communication and can lead to the formation of organizational silos. For instance, if employees are not aware of their individual or business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how their daily tasks contribute to organizational success, they may lack the motivation to work collaboratively towards common goals. 

  • Different priorities: Different departments or teams within an organization may have different priorities or objectives that are not aligned with each other, which can create conflicting goals and create silos. For example, when content marketing strategies are not synchronized across various teams such as product, marketing, communication, branding, etc., each team may produce its own content that deviates from the overarching objectives. This can result in redundant efforts and a cluttered content landscape. 
  • Limited information sharing: When information is not shared or made accessible across different departments or individuals, it can lead to silos as different parts of the organization work with incomplete or inaccurate information. Information sharing can be anything, from business objectives to roles and responsibilities to changes in the organization, a new way of working, or even data tracking and insight generation regarding the business objectives and departmental objectives. 

  • Organizational culture: Organizational culture can also contribute to silos. In some cases, a competitive or political culture may incentivize departments or individuals to protect their own interests or information, which can create barriers to collaboration. An example of this could be when teams or individuals compete with each other because of organizational culture instead of working together collaboratively. Additionally, disgruntled employees may hold back information as a form of retaliation for their dissatisfaction. 

  • Lack of collaboration: A lack of collaboration or teamwork between different departments or individuals can also contribute to the development of silos. The inability to collaborate can impede the development of a unified vision and common goals. When individuals are not aligned toward a shared objective, the drive, energy, and impetus required to achieve business objectives get dispersed among the members of the organization, causing them to head in different directions. 

It is important to identify the reasons for silos within an organization in order to develop strategies for breaking them down and promoting greater collaboration and teamwork. 


How can we break down Organizational Silos? 

Now that we understand the why of the organizational silos, let us move on to the "how" we can break down these silos. Preventing organizational silos requires a concerted effort from leadership and employees at all levels of the organization. Here are some strategies that can help: 

  • Foster a collaborative culture: Leaders should encourage a culture of collaboration and teamwork, where employees are incentivized to work together and share information. It might be useful to organize social gatherings to break the ice and have internal projects that require teams to work together.  

  • Establish shared goals: Create shared goals and objectives that are aligned with the overall mission of the organization. This will help to align the efforts of different departments and individuals toward a common purpose. It might be useful to have one platform across the organization where organizational objectives and delegated team objectives can be seen. 

  • Encourage cross-functional teams: Establish cross-functional teams and projects that bring together people from different departments and teams to work on specific objectives. This will promote greater communication and collaboration.  
  • Improve communication: Leaders should work to improve communication channels within the organization, including regular team meetings, project updates, and clear communication about goals and priorities. It might be useful to release weekly or monthly meetings, newsletters, and social gatherings where information from different teams is shared on a recurrent basis. 

  • Share information: Create systems and processes for sharing information across departments and teams, including knowledge-sharing platforms, internal newsletters, and regular updates from leadership. Creating an environment where accurate information is shared can prevent individuals from forming opinions based on hearsay and speculation when there are gaps in their knowledge. 

  • Break down physical barriers: Consider the physical layout of the office and whether it is conducive to collaboration. Open workspaces and common areas can help break down physical barriers between different departments. Having virtual team events or happy hours can also help to break down the barriers between teams and individuals. 

  • Invest in training: Offer training and development opportunities to employees that promote collaboration and teamwork, including conflict resolution, leadership development, and effective communication.  

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a culture that values collaboration and teamwork, and promote effective communication and information sharing, which can help to prevent the development of organizational silos. 


Why is breaking down Silos important for Businesses? 

At this point, you might be asking yourself "why I should care, or why I should put effort into this? Things are going fine as is right now!". Believe me, it might be "fine" for now, but it will not be so in a couple of years when you want to grow more, and eliminating organizational silos is essential for the success of an organization since its growth is closely tied to the dedication of its employees toward achieving common objectives. People are a potent force, and their commitment can significantly impact organizational success. Without the success of its workforce, an organization is bound to fail. Thus, it is imperative to rally individuals around a shared goal and a compelling vision that they believe in and aspire to attain. 

If people are united around one common goal to achieve across teams and organizations at all levels, it will yield more, 

  • Improved collaboration where departments and individuals within an organization work together and create a culture of teamwork, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and decision-making 
  • Increased efficiency to streamline processes and eliminate redundancies, which can lead to cost savings and increased productivity. 

  • Better alignment by breaking down silos and creating shared goals and objectives in an environment where everyone is working towards the same vision and mission resulting in overall alignment 

  • Innovative and creative environment by encouraging employees to work together and share information and collaborate across departments and teams, to foster a culture of creativity and innovation. 

  • Improved customer experience by breaking down silos and enhancing communication, to create a more cohesive customer experience, which can also increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Now imagine an organization where: 

People are motivated to work towards a common business goal, they are continuously striving to contribute to overall business goals and are sharing their knowledge and experience freely without reservations. This is facilitated by a culture of transparency and encouragement to collaborate since individuals understand that collective effort brings more power and strength. Members of the organization feel a sense of ownership towards the company and strive to enhance it, irrespective of their job description. Senior personnel mentor newer team members and act as role models. Such an organization would be an excellent place to work, and success would be celebrated collectively rather than being restricted to individual teams just because they met their targets. Cooperation and collaboration would prevail, replacing competition among employees. Would not you like to work in an environment like that? Why not provide the same environment for your employees, then?

Overall, breaking down organizational silos can help to create a more efficient, effective, and innovative organization that is better able to achieve its goals and objectives. By promoting collaboration, alignment, and a culture of innovation, organizations can position themselves for long-term success. 

If you as an organization or as an individual recognizing some signals of silos in your organization but do not know where to start, or how to break them one by one, NMQ Digital is here to support you with our Efficient Marketing Flow service, which is designed to uncover the specific reasons for silos and create an integrated environment which increases employees’ productivity & work satisfaction.